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"The Supra-Man exhorting his cohort into the new cosmic era" (SORiaN - Oil on canvas 2014

This painting depicts, as the title itself states, the Supra-Man exhorting his cohort into the new cosmic era.

The nietzschean Übermensch is representing the total change of view and the rewriting of old principles, believes and expectations of the old world into a new stream of values, more fluid, vivid, functional, articulated and purposeful. Gathering the human beings around more sincere, unprejudiced and courageous ways to communicate, coexist and create.

A group of twelve new symbolic apostles are pushing the wheel of wisdom through a gate made of women bodies (representing the desire for more femininity in the world) into the new tree of life. This is also a allegorical penetration, which will result into the new kind of man.

This is happening while, in the same time, in the upper left side of the painting, the last saints and the last unadaptable human beings of the old era are escaping into the nothingness of their former empty ideals by climbing up the paradigmatic Jacob's Ladder, to their dead god. Changing the focus when looking at the Jacob's Ladder, you can see the profile of the painter, my profile, overseeing this grandiose event, that heals our fall into history, by transcending it.

Butterfly-snakes are flying over the entire scene of this transitional world, carrying on their wings the new freedoms and also the new dangers of pursuing the human fears without facing and assuming them. This painting talks about the necessity of rising up the human condition to a much higher level in order to achieve its grand cosmic destiny.

The new era of Aquarius is the platform for the humanity's next great jump to an identify beyond our present frivolous social and historical conditioning, an identity governed by a new set of values, that would serve better our freedom, progress and happiness.

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