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Philosophical Poetry

33e CONCOURS-GALA INTERNATIONAL 2017 - SORiaN ArT - Visions of a Shaman 4 - 2017 - Detail5

My Poet Statement


My Poetry...


As a poet, the philosophy is my nourishing ground. I write philosophical poetry to illuminate our darkest and dearest of nights, the night of life with the candor of the liberated seeker, grasping at every slice of light and life, until the day of our awakening. My poems are about what seems to be in our sight, but mostly hides at the edge of our eye, they are about the truth in our un-admitted lies and the freedom we silently crave for in the shadow of our defeats. They are about the presence and grace, about the now and the here in everything and the endurance to walk this path.


My mission and my vision...


To stand for a community of people for whom their own truth, liberty and aspirations matter beyond convenience and conformity and to write it in the verses of philosophical poems. Their concepts, messages, melodies and cries out are to become a living force to power us up into the new era we are all already part of. They are to participate in building another kind of world, a more peaceful, higher and better one for all of us.


My poems talk to human beings of non-obsequious thought, to candid wonderers of the world, seekers of verity, to voices almost unheard, whispering,  un-imprisoned minds, dreamers and misfits of fate, hermits of lost hearts, to the ones who cannot voice their thoughts because they are afraid or shy or too feeble, maybe not courageous enough or just hiding in the dark of the other's pretenses of power, to walkers of forbidden passages of being, beholders of the forgotten vastness of life and death.


My word for you all...


No matter how far into the desert you are or stranded on a far away piece of rock with storms swarming above your head, don't lose your hope and don't forget to search for yourself and look out for that light which is yours to grasp and yours to bear. Don't stop reaching out and striving, don't stop caring and sharing.


There are merely three paths for our deliverance: the Creation, the Love and Compassion, and the Sacrifice and we are walking this world to fulfill all of them in the closest way to our hearts and minds.

We must get there together!






Important Note: To read each poem in each section, please simply click its title.


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