Surrealist Painting
Philosophical Poetry
The Prayer of Blue Morpheus
By SORiaN (Sorin Cretu) August, 2017
Idea X: A poem about our deepest love and the meeting with our body of light..
Into the Thought of Maybe...
By SORiaN (Sorin Cretu) July, 2017
Idea X: A poem about loving her, thinking of her, away from her...
A talk with Devil and Angel inside You
Idea X: A poem about inner voices...
The Mirror of the World
By SORiaN (Sorin Cretu), 2017
Idea X: A poem about seeing you in everything...
The Doing of Making Love
Idea X: A poem about how much love takes to make love...
Invitation to the Blue Butterfly
Idea X: A poem about the being love to love and opening all the gates of the soul for it..
The Giving of Gifts
Idea X: A poem about what the light is or should be for the ones looking for it...