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SORiaN Philosophical Surrealist Oil Painting
Exhibitions 2023
Exhibition `Voces Vere` (Voices of Spring) (Vocile Primăverii)
organized by The Union of Romanian Visual Artists and Musicians from Canada (UAPMR Ca)
Exhibition date: 21st to 26th of March 2023, 11.00 am to 7.00 pm
The Vernissage on 25th of March at 1.00 pm
Location: Leonardo Da Vinci Center - La salle de Gouverneurs, 8370 Boulevard Lacordaire, Montreal
Spring Group Contest Exhibition organized by CAPSQ (Le Cercle des Artistes Peintres et Sculpteurs du Québec)
Exhibit date: 19 to 23 April 2023, 10h to 20h
Location: Centre Léonard de Vinci - La salle de Gouverneurs, Montreal
"Rapsodie de vară" Exhibition organized by Uniunea Artiștilor Plastici și Muzicieni Români din Canada (UAPMR Ca)
Exhibition date: 1 June - 31 July 2023
Location: Consulate General of Romania, Montreal
Summer Art Show 2023 organized by Artists in Montreal (AIM)
Exhibition date: June 30th to July 5th, 2023.
Hours open: 10am to 6pm
Location: Valmi Gallery, address: 1595 Van Horne, Montreal
Fall Group Contest Exhibition organized by CAPSQ (Le Cercle des Artistes Peintres et Sculpteurs du Québec)
Exhibition date: 20th to 24th of September, 2023.
Location: Céntre Leonardo da Vinci, Salon des Gouverneurs, Montreal
More info about my future expositions soon!
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