The Kingdom of Righteousness
I can hear your loud voice,
Calling audiences to watch,
For lights to shine on your virtue
From the middle of the forum
You ardently have been dreaming of,
Only for yourself,
Surrounded in its shadow by all
You’ve yearned for long to hear you,
Craving for the eyes of the others
To see what you say,
More than the thoughts you really think…
Your voice is howling
“I am better than you”,
Perhaps because you are more right
Or so you believe in your nighty might,
That you hold more light than me,
Into you,
That pours through your skin
Enough to feed your legions of demons,
The dearest to you.
You are eager to shout
“I have more than you”,
In every sign of your power
You want me to impassively observe
That what you have I don’t
Because I am the lesser of you,
The feeble side of worthiness
Enough to still be in front of you,
But not enough to take me by your side,
To wear the same aura,
To hold me as your peer,
To dance around one fire
To breathe the same flame.
Or you might say
“I need it more than you”
Because what I have been missing,
Made deeper cracks in me than into you
Thus, I earned the name that calls for
For my pain to be first seen,
For my yell to be heard before the others
Ever there have been.
Then, you will hear another voice,
“I deserve it more than you”,
And since I am better than you
I am entitled to have it,
For all my good and my bad…
Who is important now is me, ahead of you,
Even if you want it too
You will have to wait, wait for your time…
Arrogance inbuilt, almost justified
Where the soul’s puzzles find their resolve
Without shame, but more without guilt
And if the other still does not obey,
Play the deception game
To impose the hidden will beneath…
Another voice speaks from the deep,
It is vibrant, commending,
Made to be believed if you believe it…
“I am greater than you”,
I am my king and my very own heir
Above you, even above your dreams
That you might reach someday,
If your life lasts more than my pride
And my pride more than my will,
Until you recognize that I did make you in my image
And your dreams will submit to my dream,
As you humbly walk in my wake.
But have you ever heard the other voices?
“I am not greater than you”,
You have your own greatness that I see
Your knowledge, even when divided
Between your sins and the sins I have on my own,
You might be less guilty than me…
“I want you to have more than me”,
“I need you to take it first, before me”,
“I am not better than you”,
My dreams are not more than your dreams,
We could live them Together
If you and I open our gates
And we received each other
To meet our paths on shared ground
By our faiths…
This is the price of admission
Into the kingdom of righteousness,
Where no one is the one right…
Then you enter
And you will hear another voice.
“Do you love me?”
Above how broken I am,
Unfinished, imperfect, sometimes weak,
But yours if you take me in your arms.
“Will You love me more as I am?”
And when I tell you in my words and in my dreams
That I Love You more than You Love Me,
As much as you can say
That You Love Me more than I Love You
When We truly are one Spirit,
Flowering from US,
Rising from the Light We made from Our Love,
Our Voice unties the burdens of noises,
Bouncing off the walks once raised
To set apart,
It is the undoing of separateness
That followed us from the dark
Of oldest ages of war…
We stand tall while we bow,
We embrace while we kiss,
We listen while we utter our words of bliss,
For every self-regard that gives it away
Across the lands of the unblinded heart.
There is an echo voicing the deepest into US,
We pledge for forbearance without reluctance
For Love by being in Love,
They bind our wills into one message
That You and I are One.